Mass Times
1 Norwich Road, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0QE
Saturday 6:00pm
Sunday 10:00am
Weekday Services - Please check the newsletter.
Methodist Church, London Road, Attleborough, NR17 2BX.
Sunday 8:30am
Christmas Mass Times.
Christmas Eve:
5pm Family Mass in Wymondham.
10pm Midnight Mass in Wymondham..
Christmas Day:
8:30am Mass in Attleborough;
10am Mass.
External Viewing
All Masses held at Wymondham can be viewed on our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmPstVjBimy3N0oC3Zmln8g/videos?live_view=502&view=2
The Day’s Readings
The daily Mass readings and prayers are available on the Universalis website, click here to access. This link points to the current day with future dates available on the right hand side.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Wymondham - Thursday 9:15 am - 9:45 am.
The Wymondham church is open each day until dusk
New Sanctuary Lamp.
There is a new Sanctuary Lamp in the church. This lamp is in memory of the late Jean O’Raw who died in July of this year. We are most grateful to Jean’s husband, Robert and the O’Raw family for their generous donation to the church. Jean was much loved and is sadly missed. May she rest in peace.
Advent and the Posada.
The Posada, a tradition in the Diocese of East Anglia presents Mary and Joseph making their way to Bethlehem. The statue is sent to a different part of the parish on the first three Sundays of Advent. On the First Sunday of Advent, Tamsyn Filby received the Posada and took it to her home where she had carols as is her custom to have, each year. The Posada made its way to Hethersett last Sunday and Anne Jackson hosted Mass in her home on Wednesday. It was in Attleborough on last Sunday, and Anne Lister will have Mass in her home at 7pm this Wednesday. Thanks especially to Tamsyn, Anne Jackson, and Anne Lister for hosting carols and Mass.
Harvest Supper
The Catholic Women's League organised a Harvest Supper and donated £200 to the Wymondham Dementia Group. A cheque was presented to Debrah (the organiser) and Ann (a past Trustee) by Teresa Wiseman and Kathy Sale.
Photo - Right to Left - Kathy, Debrah, Teresa and Ann.
A further £200 was sent to the charity Pact (Prisoners Advice and Care Trust).
A sincere thank you to the parishioners who made the event a success.
WCYG-Wymondham Catholic Youth Group.
The WCYG meet on the last Saturday of each month, during term times.
The sessions take place straight after the Vigil Mass in Fr Cowin Room until 9:00pm and focus on food, fun and building friendships.
All youth of secondary age upwards are most welcome especially the new year 7 starters .
Please pray for the success of this parish group.