Time, Treasure, Talents programme

Each of us is blessed with a unique portion of time, treasure and talents that God wants us to use and share with others for his glory. Our parish would not function without the generosity of parishioners giving their time and talents and sharing their financial resources when they can. Many of our parishioners already give of their time and talents. Their many actions give vibrancy to the parish and help maintain the fabric of our estate. Time Treasure and Talents is a Diocesan programme being implemented in parishes throughout the diocese.

Week 1 leaflet, Faithful Stewards of God’s Gifts available here
Week 2 leaflet, Treasure, here
and Week 3 leaflet, My Parish Commitment here

Week’s 2 & 3 contain the presentations given at Mass.

My Parish Commitment 


How I can contribute financially to the parish

The Time, Talents and Treasure programme concentrated on Standing Order and Gift Aid. Full details of all the options are available on the "Supporting the Parish financially" section of our website, please click here. Any question please email nicwilliams@btopenworld.com

Time and Talents

How can I share my Time and Talents in supporting the parish ?

Please complete the "Sharing my time and talents form" available at the back of church or by clicking here. Returning it to the Presbytery or Terresa Wiseman on or before Sunday 25th February.

Alternatively you can complete a form on line by clicking here and email it to fr.denisgallagher@wymondhamrcchurch.org.uk

You will hear back from us (Fr Denis or a member of the Parish Pastoral Council) within a few weeks with more information.

Advent Masses and the Posada

The Posada is a statue depicting St Joseph, and Mary on the donkey as they make their way to Bethlehem. The Posada will be sent to a different locality in the parish after the 10am Mass on the First, Second and Third Sundays of Advent.

On the First Sunday of Advent, it went to Hethersett, and Mass was celebrated in Anne Jackson’s home.

On the Second Sunday of Advent, it will go to Mulbarton, and Mass will be celebrated in the home of Chris and Moira White, at 7pm, on Wednesday 13th December.

On the Third Sunday of Advent, the Posada was in Attleborough, and Mass was celebrated in the home of Anne Lister.

The Posada returned back to Wymondham for the Masses of the Fourth Sunday of Advent.

A special message to all the young people

Dear Children,

We are excited to invite you to the Children’s and Family Mass on Sunday, 24th December at 5pm. This year, we would love to see you come dressed up as your favourite Nativity character. Whether you want to be Mary or Joseph, an angel, a shepherd, or even a donkey, we can’t wait to see your creative costumes!

We want to start Christmas with Jesus being in our hearts and minds and at the centre of all things. Please pass this onto your friends too.

We look forward to seeing you and your friends and families here at the church on Sunday.

All the best, from Fr Denis and Ethel the cat.

Advent Carol Service.

The Advent Carol Service took place on Sunday 17th December. All parishioners were invited . The event gave us a chance to reflect and prepare to celebrate the Birth of Christ. We are grateful to Roger, Ann Reid and the singers who have come to rehearsals for many weeks, very often on very cold wintry evenings and to the singers who have stayed behind after the 10am Mass each Sunday. There was a retiring collection for Pabulum Café (Wymondham Dementia Support Group), Wymondham and refreshments were served in the hall afterwards.

Day of Recollection

led by Sr Helen Costigane

Sr Helen Costigane lead a Day of Recollection in our parish on the Saturday 2nd December.

Sr Helen is a member of the Congregation of the Holy Child Jesus. and has lectured in Theology at Heythrop College, London, St Mary’s University, Twickenham and is currently teaching at Allen Hall Seminary.

East Anglia Caritas Festival

East Anglia Caritas Festival in Saint Lawrence's Catholic Church Cambridge on Saturday 4th November.  Bishop Peter Collins and Teresa Wiseman (East Anglia Branch President) in front of the Catholic Women's League's stall. The Bishop was very interested and asked a number of questions.  He was particularly impressed by the wide remit of the League and the number of charities receiving support. Teresa is the CWL representative on the Caritas commission in East Anglia.

The Wymondham Community Outreach Project

The Wymondham Community Outreach Project has moved to a new location at Wymondham Abbey. The Foodbank has been at our church since the beginning of the pandemic. From the beginning, Arnie McConnell, the project’s coordinator and all the volunteers have provided and continue to provide a valuable and much needed service to the vulnerable in our community. I personally have seen the extraordinary commitment and dedication Arnie has to this most worthwhile project. I have witnessed at first hand, his compassion understanding, empathy, efficiency and always, his willingness to go that extra mile. He helps, encourages motivates empowers and ensures all are welcome. I and the parish are grateful to him and his team of volunteers for the way they live the Gospel and for the work they do and the way they do it. On behalf of the parish, I thank Arnie and the volunteers in the Foodbank for their generosity of spirit, kindness and care for others. May God bless you and all those you serve, and we wish you all the very best in your new location. Fr. Denis.

President’s Certificate of Recognition-Selfless Service in the Community.

We are delighted to congratulate Anna Bayles who was received the President’s Award from the Rotary Club of Norwich St. Edmund recently. The citation, reads as follows,

Anna Bayles creates and makes children’s clothes from recycled bed linen, old clothes and donated fabric. She can make a pair of boy’s shorts in twenty minutes and a girl’s dress in thirty. Each item of clothing is exquisitely sewn and made with love. The right button, decoration or motif is added before the garment is ironed and hung ready for collection. The tailoring is perfect. During the three-month lockdown period in 2021 Anna made 700 items of clothing which were transported to Africa (including Uganda) and the Far East for needy children. That number isn’t unusual for Anna, as she is always sewing.

Anna, from Wymondham, has been sewing since she a child, taught by the nuns in the rural Picardy region of France, where she was born. Her late husband, Jack Bayles, moved to Wymondham in 1946 and together they adopted four children.

All this is quite amazing, however at the age of 98, Anna highlights Rotary’s motto of “Service Above Self.”

The Rotary Club of Norwich St. Edmund.

Sacrament of Confirmation

On Tuesday 27th June 2023, Bishop Peter Collins received a warm welcome on his first visit to the parish since becoming Bishop of East Anglia. He confirmed eleven of our young people. We congratulate Aiden, Eva, Juan, Elizabeth, Sophia, Raphael, James, Florence, Rian, Noah and Thomas and pray the blessings of the Holy Spirit on them, their families and friends.

Special thanks to the catechists, Andreas Emerson Moering and Anne Jackson who journeyed with them over the past several months as they prepared to receive the Sacrament.

Thanks also to Roger, our Director of Music, Wendy, the Soloist, the musicians and singers who ensured the Liturgy was so beautiful and special. Thanks to the servers who did a great job under the stewardship of Paul Gilbert from Thetford to whom we are also grateful. Also, thanks to Kathy and Teresa for all their work behind the scenes.

After the ceremony, Bishop Peter went to the FEPOW Chapel where he said a prayer for the repose of the souls of the Far East Prisoners of War.

An enjoyable evening was had in the hall by everyone afterwards and we thank especially those who provided the refreshments.

Solemn Pontifical Mass of Thanksgiving

On Tuesday last 24th Janurary, Bishop Alan celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving in the cathedral. It was the twentieth anniversary of his episcopal ordination. We too thank God for his ministry among us and for his kindness and example. We wish him health and happiness in the future. In his homily, he said, “I ask that with me you treasure the past with thanksgiving, embrace the future with hope and journey on in the present moment with confidence in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

May God bless Bishop Alan and Bishop Peter as he begins his ministry with us as our new bishop.

A Prayer for the repose of the soul of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.

© M.Mazur/www.thepapalvisit.org.uk

Father, eternal shepherd, hear the prayer of your people, for your servant Benedict, who governed the Church with love.
In your mercy, bring him with the flock once entrusted to his care, to the reward you have promised to your faithful servants.
May he who faithfully administered the mysteries of your forgiveness and love on earth, rejoice with you forever in heaven.
In your wise and loving care, you made your servant, teacher of all your Church on earth. May your Son welcome him into eternal joy.
May your servant whom you appointed high priest of your flock be counted now among the priests in the life of your kingdom.
Give your servant the reward of eternal happiness and let your mercy win for us the gift of your life and love.
May he rejoice in those gifts forever with your saints.

Bishop Peter Collins

We give thanks to God for our new Bishop who was ordained as the Fifth Bishop of East Anglia, in a very beautiful ceremony in the cathedral. We are very pleased that members of our parish, Teresa Wiseman, Giovanni Pellizzaro, and Mateo-Davila Smith took part in the ceremony. We ask God to bless Bishop Peter as he begins his ministry in our diocese, and we also thank him for the generous service of Bishop Alan over the past 10 years. We wish Bishop Alan health and happiness in his retirement.

Further details can be found at https://www.rcdea.org.uk/peter-collins-ordained-as-the-fifth-bishop-of-east-anglia/

Pope Benedict XVI Requiescat in pace

© M.Mazur/www.thepapalvisit.org.uk

Pope Benedict XVI, who served as Supreme Pontiff from April 2005 to February 2013, died on Saturday, December 31st aged 95, the Vatican has confirmed.

A short statement from Matteo Bruni, Director of the Holy See’s Press Office, said: “With sorrow I inform you that the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, passed away today at 9:34am in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican.”

Click here to see a Obituary of Pope Benedict 

Pope Benedict's body will lie in St Peter's Basilica from Monday 2nd January, where the faithful can pay their respects.

Pope Pope Francis will preside at Pope Benedict's funeral on Thursday 5th January in St Peter's Square. The funeral will take place at 9.30 am (8.30 am GMT).

A prayer for the soul of Pope Benedict XVI

Father, eternal shepherd,
hear the prayers of your people for your servant Benedict,
who governed your Church with love.
In your mercy, bring him with the flock once entrusted to his care
to the reward you have promised your faithful servants.
May he who faithfully administered the mysteries
of your forgiveness and love on earth,
rejoice with you for ever in heaven
In your wise and loving care,
you made your servant teacher of all your Church.
He did the work of Christ on earth.
May your Son welcome him into eternal glory.
May your servant whom you appointed high priest of your flock
be counted now among the priests in the life of your kingdom.
Give your servant the reward of eternal happiness
and let your mercy win for us the gift of your life and love.
We entrust your servant to your mercy with faith and confidence.
In the human family he was an instrument of your peace and love.
We entrust your servant to your mercy with faith and confidence.
In the human family he was an instrument of your peace and love.
May he rejoice in those gifts for ever with your saints.
Through Christ our Lord,


Prayers for Benedict XVI

© M.Mazur/www.thepapalvisit.org.uk

© M.Mazur/www.thepapalvisit.org.uk

Prayers for the physical and spiritual wellbeing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI were been requested from the Diocese of East Anglia family by Bishop Peter Collins on Wednesday 28th December 2022.

His Holiness Pope Francis has today informed the Universal Church that the health of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has suffered a sudden and grave deterioration.

Bishop Peter has asked the entire diocesan family to pray for the physical and spiritual wellbeing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI whilst entrusting him to the abiding care of God’s providential grace and mercy.

Let us pray.
Almighty and Eternal God,
You are the everlasting health of
those who believe in You.
Hear our prayers for your sick servant Benedict
for whom we implore the aid of
Your tender mercy.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen


We celebrate one year of having Ethel our cat. She is one year with us on Friday 9th December. It has been a wonderful year and we are so pleased to have her.

As you know, she is both Fr. Pat’s and my cat. Fr. Pat very much has visiting rights and Ethel is always delighted to see him.

Needless to say she always gets treats when he comes.  

New Bishop

It was announced on Tuesday last that Pope Francis has appointed Canon Peter Collins, a priest of the Archdiocese of Cardiff to be the next Bishop of East Anglia. He succeeds Bishop Alan who has been our bishop for the last nine years. We are most grateful to Bishop Alan for his faithful and generous service, and we wish him health and happiness in his retirement. We pray especially for Bishop Alan and, also, for Bishop-elect Peter during these coming weeks. The Episcopal Ordination of the new bishop will take place at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Baptist, Norwich, on December 14, 2022, at 11:30am.

For more details of this appointment please see the diocesan website at https://www.rcdea.org.uk/new-bishop-is-appointed-for-the-diocese-of-east-anglia/