Pope Benedict XVI Requiescat in pace

© M.Mazur/www.thepapalvisit.org.uk

Pope Benedict XVI, who served as Supreme Pontiff from April 2005 to February 2013, died on Saturday, December 31st aged 95, the Vatican has confirmed.

A short statement from Matteo Bruni, Director of the Holy See’s Press Office, said: “With sorrow I inform you that the Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI, passed away today at 9:34am in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican.”

Click here to see a Obituary of Pope Benedict 

Pope Benedict's body will lie in St Peter's Basilica from Monday 2nd January, where the faithful can pay their respects.

Pope Pope Francis will preside at Pope Benedict's funeral on Thursday 5th January in St Peter's Square. The funeral will take place at 9.30 am (8.30 am GMT).

A prayer for the soul of Pope Benedict XVI

Father, eternal shepherd,
hear the prayers of your people for your servant Benedict,
who governed your Church with love.
In your mercy, bring him with the flock once entrusted to his care
to the reward you have promised your faithful servants.
May he who faithfully administered the mysteries
of your forgiveness and love on earth,
rejoice with you for ever in heaven
In your wise and loving care,
you made your servant teacher of all your Church.
He did the work of Christ on earth.
May your Son welcome him into eternal glory.
May your servant whom you appointed high priest of your flock
be counted now among the priests in the life of your kingdom.
Give your servant the reward of eternal happiness
and let your mercy win for us the gift of your life and love.
We entrust your servant to your mercy with faith and confidence.
In the human family he was an instrument of your peace and love.
We entrust your servant to your mercy with faith and confidence.
In the human family he was an instrument of your peace and love.
May he rejoice in those gifts for ever with your saints.
Through Christ our Lord,
