Prayer for the Election of a Bishop


As I’m sure you’re aware, Bishop Alan Hopes is retiring this year and the process of appointing a replacement bishop is underway. There are prayer cards available in the Narthex with a prayer for the election of a bishop. You’re invited to take one and join the diocese in prayer for this intention.

For those that aren't currently visiting the church, it has been reproduced here,

Addictus Ministerio Christi

“I will raise up for myself a faithful priest,
who shall do according to my heart and mind;
I will establish a lasting house for him
and he shall walk before me all his days.”

1 Sam 2:35

Prayer for the Election of a Bishop.

O God, eternal Shepherd,
who govern your flock with unfailing care,
grant in your boundless fatherly love
a pastor for your Church
who will please you by his holiness
and to us show watchful care.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God ,for ever and ever. Amen

Our lady of Walsingham. Pray for us.
Saint Felix. Pray for us.
All holy Martyrs and Saints of East Anglia. Pray for us.