Here are details of three Young People’s Competitions from the Knights of St Columba. The competitions offer an opportunity for young people with various skills.
You may have the time to paint a good Easter picture which could be a general scene from the Easter narrative in the Gospel or a detailed close up picture of a recognisable biblical figure.
Written entries in the Prayer and Essay competitions need not be hand written but can be directly typed and emailed back.
If you decide to enter please email a copy to so that it can be posted on the churches website.
Remember, in addition to the important and popular scenes of the Last Supper, those recalling Christ’s Passion on the first Good Friday and the Resurrection, there are the Journey to Emmaus, Appearances in the Upper Room and on the Shore of the Sea of Galilee, the Ascension, and Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. Each tell a significant story for artists’ talents!
Entries may be sized A4 or A3, on paper of quality and colour of the entrant’s choice. With entrant name, address, age, school year, name and address of Parish attended shown legibly in full on the reverse of each entry. Entries should be sent by post addressed to Bro. Christopher J. Brooks, Past Prov. Grand Knight, East Anglia Province 27, c/o 356 London Road South, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0BQ, Tel (01502) 563208, to reach him by Friday 16th April 2021. It would be helpful if you contact Bro. Brooks if participating.
The awards after Provincial judging will be a Framed copies of the winning entries in each group, Certificates signed by the Provincial Great Knight and Cash Prizes of £7, £5 & £3 for 1st, 2nd & 3rd places respectively.
As in 2020, winning entries of groups KS3 & KS4 go forward to the National Final for judging. Please note the overall National Winner of KS3 & KS4 will be the better winning entry of these High School groups combined. The awards after National judging will be: Overall KS3 & KS4 Winner: Engraved Trophy (Held by the Parish or individual for approximately one year), Certificates signed by the Supreme Knight, Cash Prizes of £75.00, £50.00 and £25.00 respectively for the best three winners at KS3 & KS4. Results will be announced in early Summer of 2020 and awards will be presented by arrangement with the winning school or parish.
All entries will be returned in due course.
The criteria observed in judging entries will be:
a - Comprehensive linking of the basic elements expressed in the essay.
b - Composition skills.
c - Correct use of the English language.
It should have a minimum of 1,400 and a maximum of 1,600 words, typed or handwritten in ink. With entrant name, address, age, school year, name and address of Parish attended shown legibly in full on the reverse of each entry. Entries should be sent by email to or by post addressed to Bro. Christopher J. Brooks, Past Prov. Grand Knight, East Anglia Province 27, c/o 356 London Road South, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0BQ, Tel (01502) 563208, to reach him by Friday 16th April 2021. It would be helpful if you contact Bro. Brooks if participating.
The Awards after Local & Provincial judging in each age group will be:
First Prize – Provincial Certificate and £7.00
Second Prize – Provincial Certificate and £5.00
Third Prize – Provincial Certificate and £3.00
The National Awards after final judging will be:
Overall Winner: Engraved Trophy. (Held by the school or individual for approximately one year.)
Each Group Winners : Certificate signed by the Supreme Knight. Cash Prize of £75:00.
Each Group Runners Up : Certificate signed by the Supreme Knight. Cash Prize of £50:00.
Each Group Third Places: Certificate signed by the Supreme Knight. Cash Prize of £25:00.
A donation of £200 will be made to the school/parish attended by the winner of each group.
Note: The overall winner will be the better winning entry of Groups 1 and 2 combined.
The criteria observed in judging entries will be:
1. Spiritual content.
2. Composition.
3. Correct use of the English Language.
Prayer limit - 250 words, typed or handwritten in ink. With entrant name, address, age, school year, name and address of Parish attended shown legibly in full on the reverse of each entry. Entries should be sent by email to or by post addressed to Bro. Christopher J. Brooks, Past Prov. Grand Knight, East Anglia Province 27, c/o 356 London Road South, Lowestoft, Suffolk, NR33 0BQ, Tel (01502) 563208, to reach him by Friday 16th April 2021. It would be helpful if you contact Bro. Brooks if participating.
The Awards after Provincial judging in each age group will be:
First Prize – Provincial Certificate and £7.00
Second Prize – Provincial Certificate and £5.00
Third Prize – Provincial Certificate and £3.00
The National Awards after final judging will be:
The Group Winner : Certificate signed by the Supreme Knight. Cash Prize of £30:00.
The Group Runner Up : Certificate signed by the Supreme Knight. Cash Prize of £20:00.
The Group Third Place: Certificate signed by the Supreme Knight. Cash Prize of £15:00.
A donation of £200 will be made to the school / parish attended by the group winner.