Divine Dove

Peter Wiseman

Peter Wiseman

This week we gaze heavenward in the Sanctuary to an area more usually visible to the priest and altar servers.

In the centre panel of the Sanctuary ceiling directly above The Lord’s Table (Altar) is the Divine Dove, one of several symbols of The Holy Spirit.  The celestial rays of God’s spiritual love radiate simultaneously with  he rays of Pentecostal fire and spread outwards to symbolise the perennial mission of the church.

Vatican II changes to the Mass (1962-65) required the priest to face the congregation when saying Mass. This meant the Altar had to be moved forwards to its present position, and the large gilded Sanctuary lamp that hung above it also had to be moved (ca.1970s).   It was relocated and hung from the large hook on the side wall of the sanctuary where it remained until it was replaced by today’s smaller electric equivalent in 2012.