The Catholic Women’s League

Wymondham Section

Our Lady and Saint Thomas of Canterbury

This is an organisation for ALL women in the parish. Come and join us on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm in the church hall.

The Catholic Women’s League is a worldwide organisation, united in friendship and love where members engaged in a variety of projects at international, national, diocesan and the parish level.

Charity – We support local and national charities through fundraising and offering practical help

Learning – We invite interesting speakers on a wide range of topics to our local, national and online meetings.

Social – We socialise together, form lasting friendships and have fun!

Spiritual – We develop our faith by meeting and praying together on local, diocesan and national levels as well as online.

Contact :- Wymondham Setion

Chairperson: Mrs Teresa Wiseman

Tel: 01953 604144


Secretary: Mrs Chrissie Baldwin

Tel: 07521 487 626

You can find out more about the Catholic Women’s League England & Wales CIO by visiting our up to date website